Em Inglês

Agree to disagree

Have you ever had to "agree to disagree" with someone? If you have, you know it's a pain. I do. It's not easy.

But then, when it happens, it's a reminder that:

  • You're different from that other human being. Not better. Not worse. Just different.
  • The truth may yet come to the surface, and show which of you is wrong — if not both of you. So, just wait.
  • The disagreement may never be settled, because each of you holds his own view to be the only right and true one — and is not prepared to listen to the other. Hardheadedness and pride abound.
  • You have to learn to live with each other in spite of not agreeing on everything.
  • Maybe the issue is not that important after all.

Agree to disagree is sometimes God's way of teaching us patience and relationship skills.

I'm telling you, God is a hard teacher!

Renato Cardoso

Seven women and one man
"And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man saying: We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel; only let us be called by your name, to take away our reproach.” Isaiah 4.1.

Another one bites the dust!

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher – R.I.P. Married 6 years. Divorced 2011.
Can you still afford to miss Love Therapy Saturdays at 7:30 pm?

But it feels sooo good...

Your heart is the most reckless, unpredictable, dangerous, treacherous thing you will ever know. Yes, it is that bad. 

The energy that keeps it beating is called emotion. It knows no intelligence, it doesn't care about consequences or the future. It only cares about now. It wants to feel; to feel all kinds of "good" feelings. 

The tragedy is that most people live by their hearts. "Listen to your heart", "If it feels right", "I gotta a feeling", "I know it in my heart", "It can't be so bad if it feels so right" — are just a few of the favorite lines in most pop songs nowadays. The brainwashing has been happening for a long time.

If you want to be safe and happy in the long term, you must treat your heart like you would a crazy person. Don't listen to it, ignore what it says, and keep it restrained.

He who trusts in his own heart is a fool. Proverbs 28.26

The wise live by their mind, not by their heart.

Renato Cardoso

Your problem is not your problem

Think about it. Somebody — even more likely a handful, hundreds, or thousands of people — has already gone through the same problem you’re going through right now and overcome it.

Thousands of happily married people today used to have miserable marriages. Stories abound of wealthy and successful people who started out poor and often failed before succeeding. Former drug addicts, drunkards, and nobodies have reformed themselves and beaten what used to beat them. Even cancer and other incurable disease patients have survived against all odds.

What does it all mean? It proves that it’s possible. It shows that when you believe and are willing to do what it takes, no one can tell you something can’t be done.

So, if all things are possible when you believe, then clearly the problem is not your disease, or financial mess, or messed-up marriage, or addiction, or fill-in-the-blank. The problem is you.

Let me rephrase that. What stands between you and your success is your inability to (1) believe it’s possible and (2) your willingness to sacrifice for what you believe.

Belief. Sacrifice.

Focus on those. The problems will take care of themselves.

Renato Cardoso